Adblock Browser is a free download application for the Android operating system. While this is available for free, many people find the application to be of little value on an Android device. The reason why many users find the application of little use is due to the fact that Android uses its own storage mechanisms for storing applications and files instead of the shared storage mechanism provided by Windows and many other operating systems. While the use of internal storage is nice in some respects, in another respect it presents problems such as speed, compatibility and usability.
As a blocking web browser, Adblock Browser features all the standard functions (downloading, browsing, deleting) while consuming far less memory than many of its competitors. The biggest reason why Adblock Browser is able to use so little memory is thanks to its unique central block list which keeps each web page that may be blocked separate from the rest. The reason why it uses so little memory is due to its reliance on a central block list which keeps each web page that may be blocked separate from the rest. As web sites are constantly added, removed and changed, the list of web pages kept will grow over time. As each block is added, removed and changed, this leads to the growth of the database which will eventually consume more storage space than the actual application.
Despite the size of the application, Adblock Browser is still useful for anyone who wants to add a layer of security to their phone. Unlike most standard browsers, Adblock Browser will block ads from displaying on your phone. This includes ads from sites that you may visit, but which you have control over such as those that feature gambling or adult content. The blocking ability extends to sites you visit via android apps, as well as any sites you visit through websites that use insecure internet connections. In addition to this, it will also prevent ads from displaying on your android device while you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.